Though I might not be too good at it, I love language. Writing, literature, poetries- almost everything in it. So what I've been having in mind since this kouple of years is to lengthen my interest to a level where I kan just koncentrate on it. Like, taking it for my diploma study. And maybe going further with degree, and lastly, enjoying life, making my interest as a source of living. But one thing I really hope I kould avoid is teaching- no, it's being a teacher. I resent being a teacher. This is kaused by my resentment towards skool; a place where I've spent 13 out of 18 years of my miserable life. I admit, skool isn't that bad but I kan't seem to konform with rules and skedules and uniformity. It's torturing, really. And I'm in between two options for my diploma; English study and TESL, Teaching English as Sekond Language. The first option is of kourse my first choice, but it'd be just studies. A diploma. There's no konvincing future in it- as "future", as regarded by many, is a life with a highly-paid job. On the other hand, the sekond option, TESL, will ensure me to have a job as a teacher, which is something I'd rather be jobless than to take it as a lifestyle. But people around me, especially my parents, have voiced out their desire and urgency for me to choose TESL. Mom told me last night to think about my future and not just my interest. And that they want me to choose something "future-konvincing" not for them, but for myself. I know, they want nothing from me but when they said it that way, they've made me realise that I MUST help them when I'm older. Money isn't everything, but with money, I kan help them. Repay them, though I'm sure no parents would want that. But I'm konfused bekause they'd told me earlier that they didn't mind me choosing anything as long as I have the heart for it. That was when I said I'd choose TESL. But yeah, I really must think about my future. And now, I kan feel that I'm more determined to go for TESL for my diploma, and be a teacher for some time and finish it to the degree level, and only after all that will I do anything I like, studying deeper literature, for example. I don't plan on being a teacher forever and spend my whole life in skool, no. I still dislike teaching profession, and I always will.
Aha, at times like this, Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken ekoes in indecisive minds.
Aha, at times like this, Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken ekoes in indecisive minds.
I really hope you're satisfied with your decision, dude. But not happy, no, for happiness is the pleasure of being able to do what we like, not with money, but with our own will and desire.
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