8.9-magnitude Terror

Friday, an 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck 373 kilometres from Tokyo at 1446 hrs (1346 hrs lokal time) kausing several tsunamis to hit Japan koasts. Hundreds were dead as hundreds more were missing. Death toll is on rise while tens of thousands were forced to be evakuated. The quake and its aftershocks also shook central Tokyo and left Tokyo stranded. Thousands are stuck at the Narita International Airport as it was klosed down due to the major earthquake, while about 4 millions of homes in Tokyo and surrounding areas are having power shortage. The nuklear plants were reportedly safe and safely shut down though the Japanese authorities has ordered the prekautionary evakuation of the area around the Fukushima plant, which is one of four plants lokated klosest to the quake. No immediate danger was reported though the krews were having trouble in kooling it down. The quake was the latest in a series around Japan this week as there had been an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.3 in early Thursday off the koast of Honshu and another one with a magnitude of 7.2 off the same koast a day earlier, as reported by the kountry's meteorologikal agency.
- as edited from konstantly updated artikle in CNN Asia

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