Step 1: White Cross

Ouh my, what a day. I was like living a 'normal' life back. Unpermitted absence, that's it. We skipped Physics, and it felt like we were young again. It's been nearly 2 months, since the explaination letter, and now we did it again. Heh. And I was quite a bad student, giving shits, hells, fucks to others, kicking and shouting at everyone. Hah. Feel like I no longer have what I must have to be in school; patience.
It was when in 4 EXC(alibur?) class (when all my classmates were struggling in Physics lab), I watched them playing with their Rubik's. Hell, I was amazed. Some of them completed it in just few minutes. They're quite geeks, but still, I truly adore the ones who can solve Rubik's in short time. "Dude, where you learnt this?" and he said "Youtube". Shit loads. And by the time I write this, there's another Window, loading Rubik's cube tutorial video, ha, and I've considered to get my own. I'm gonna buy it. Yeah.

I didn't skip class without purpose. I did it to get inspired to learn Rubik's. It's not that I'm proud of skipping classes, it's just I can't stand with studying anymore. I'm sick of this, but I'll be strong.


Staring the lonely skeleton.

For the first time ever, I envy those who suffer insomnia. Insomnia is likely a privilege for students, especially for Bios Logos students.
Hell. It was so boring being in Bio-lab today. Sitting at the front table (I was FORCED to do so), has tortured me in restraining my eyes to stay open. The female brute in front kept talking and talking about nucleotide and sugar and chemical and I didn't really hear what she said. If she had notice me struggling to stay awake, I don't know what would she say to insult me.
But I still got Lina, and she really makes me think that life is worthy. At least.
Ouh yea, the Black Book has begun, officially on last Sunday, 09.04.29.
And it is MINE.



Automatic doors.

Automatic doors have made me feel like Jedi.
When I was a kid, I remember being attacked by a rainbow monster, and it screamed with a weird and creepy sound. That scary thing showed up from that old black telly. Everyone was so upset but I was really scared and I ran away from the living room.
But now I know it was only a technical problem.
CAUTION! Any unattended child will be sold to circus.
My IQ is higher than the Prime Minister's.
Don't run, you'll only be dead exhausted.
If you can run faster than this bullet, then try.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Don't know what those phrases are all about?
Don't worry. They aren't important.


The Company's black book.

Prison Break Season 4 Finale.
Why the hell did Don Self betray to them? No. He's not a betrayer. He's just working for another force, greater than The Company. He lied to the prisoners. They've been promised for a better life without more running, and that'll never come true. Haha.. poor. And Scylla, it's going to another hand.

Whow, I got another 'public holy-day' tomorrow. Those classmates are going to Besut to support one of them in debate competition. Well, I'm not into supporting anyone. I hate it. Truly. Just go and enjoy yourselves at the competition, shouting at other competitors and clapping hands at that good friend of yours.
Public holiday. That's the main reason I'm happy now.

The cards are just keys. Keys to Scylla. Keys to the black book.


Malaysian's most favourite breakfast.

I faked having tummy-ache this morning. It suddenly occured in my mind to do that after got up from sleep. It's all because of this day, Monday. Having Add Maths lesson on Monday makes me truly hate it and that's why I did this. And there's another reason. They got a fitness check-up at school so I think I wouldn't miss any important lesson today. Add Maths? It doesn't really matter, I think. I'll catch up with it later. Later. There are lots of 'later' in my schedule. Never bother to do anything early. Well, I'm alone at home today. Couldn't help playing around at neighbor's backyard. Guilty.

Sorry everyone.


The Recruit.

Everything is just a test.
Nothing is what it seems.
Finally, it's just a job.
And it's not about who we are.
We decide who we are.

A friend asked me about the meaning of LIFE.
It's not Looking Inside For Entertainment.
Life is about following the circle,
the flow of time.


Welcome to Dongmakgol

Today is Saturday. And tomorrow will definitely be another Sunday. They run in circle, passing by, going away, leaving us. And here I stand still, counting day by day, thinking about past, planning the future. It will come eventually, without any man could stop it. And I have to get in the flow.

Staying up late tonight for 'The Recruit'.

Welcome to Dongmakgol, where people know nothing about guns and bombs.


Need for Speed. Speed for fun.

It was at ease in school today. No pressure on finishing works. No boring lesson. No babbling mouth standing in front of the class. Spent half of the day, after recess, at the access centre. We were in joy. And yea, it was fun.

It's good to see your laugh again.
Thanks, lina.

"It's better to be hated for what we are,
than to be loved for what we are not.
-Kurt Cobain


A ride in a rainy day.

Hey there, my one and only reader. I didn't mean anything envy or jealous when I said I'm happy she got new love. I'm glad. Really. I know you'd think like, "he's jealous to that gurl, and what I'm doing here?" I hope you wouldn't think such. I was just expressing my relieveness because she no longer has nothing to do with me. She's still a friend, and no feelings thing.
I just want us to get back like before, if you want so.
And I know you do.

Is that you, Lina?
The one who's reading this?


Filter de Luxe II

She's one of the main players in 'February's End'.
And she has a happy ending now.
She got a new love, I think.
Huhu.. feel happy with this.

Main character?
It doesn't mean it got to be the princess.
It's not the princess.
It's a good friend of the poet.
And all I hope is she lives well.

Metaphore, all metaphore.
Directly proportional to reality.
Uh huh.

Filter de Luxe

I got my sunshine back. And it ain't just in my bag. It came smiling at me.
Ah, school and its people. Sometimes they're lovable, and most of the times they're just making me sick. Sick of the teachers, homeworks, and those fussy things. Well, I'm truly not a school-goer like others. Hate school but I couldn't do anything about it but keep telling everyone how I hate it. But I got to admit one thing. I know I would miss all this and only appreciate it when it's gone someday. So let just keep it shut, and go to school, get along with friends, feel nothing but happy. Hurm, sounds good.

Today's puppet show; Life in Technicolor ii


We're ionic compound.

Aha. It didn't last long. Whatever I felt few days ago, it all seems to fade away by now. No, it won't ever get off my mind, but for now, let just drop it. Okay. I'm back, I think. Let just be me, the one who I really am. The hard-to-understand one. Or simply understandable. I'm still what I was. Still me. Changed, but with same way of interpreting something. Way of thinking. Nah.. I wish I were a human back. Eh, I AM HUMAN. I never changed into a robot. Ah, whatever.

Hope she's here.
But I've scared her.
Can't blame her at all.
So long, Uncle Linden. Till we meet again. Ciao.



Okay. Let's start with 'Why am I acting like this?'. As for the answer to that question, I don't know. I always find I being in this state of thinking. 'Uncle Linden's mood'.Remembering the past, feel like living it for once more. In time, I hate all that. It disappoints me I can't do it. Like people say, let bygone be bygone, or, past can't be repeated. Yea, it's true. Damn it for that. I hate I easily change. I've been changing since my mind started to plant new environment, new campaigns, and I don't know if I'm happy with that. I could say I'm flexible, but I know it's hardly close to that. I'm not flexible, I'm just changing. I wish I could erase memories for I hate remembering them. I wish I got no heart, so I wouldn't be sentimental and think this way. I wish I were a robot.


Automatic stop.

It's been ages since the last time I posted my entry. It's been hard to get online for the internet connection is going through some technical problems. Shit. If only I knew what it is. And so am I, going through hard times to contact those online friends. Till I write again, ciao.