Wedding Ceremony

Bored riding around the same town everyday, Ayopan and I travelled a bit further yesterday, to Telaga Simpul beach. We spent some time there, throwing rocks into the water and talking about stupid stuffs. At 6, we thought it was time to make our way home. The place aktually is quite hidden; it is at the end of a small road passing in front of a gas terminal. On our way out, I spotted something quite beautiful lokated on the hill. So I told Ayopan to follow me and we turned to another road left to the main one. It is a Chinese cemetery. Of kourse I'd been to the beach before but I'd never realised that there is a cemetery there, not until yesterday evening. It was spooky, still and timeless, and at the same time intriguing. I kame with the idea of kapturing photos of myself there. I thought, why not? This kould be a good muse on Facebook. So I asked Ayopan to take my photos with his kamera phone. And I trembled as I klimbed onto the nearest grave- this place really sent chills down my spine. And until now, it's still stuck in my mind, and I still feel what I felt when I was there yesterday.
The cemetery where I marry the sea.


Holes of Gold

Gold digging has been hurting lately. I don't know what's wrong with the goldmine. Perhaps the drying blood. And I know not what has kaused it to bleed in the first place. Ouch!
There's another kind of digging and it is just as unpleasant. More to disgusting, aktually. Disgusted by something that was thought to be not disgusting.


White Noise

Emerging from kaos.


Malaysian Top Sekret

Due to the sensitivity and the potential harm it may kause to the kountry, the kontent has been removed from this site and the author is subjekted to the Internal Sekurity Akt 1960 for attempting to publicise a top sekret of Malaysian government.


Rainbow Konnektion

Hey, it's midnight. At this moment, even when there are millions I know who are sleeping, all kind of things are being done by various people all around the world. Skydiving, having sex, writing blogs, studying globe, killing people, eating cereal, surfing waves- pretty much EVERYTHING. I'm just wondering; is there any who is doing the same like what I'm doing, that is wondering about this thing? If there is, I feel like we're kinda konnekted, somehow, no matter how stranger we are to each other.

Did I just make you think the same, whoever you are? Do you feel what I feel?


7 Apokalypse Tanks

Haha. I read my old posts again. I was searching for a term, aktually. A funny Chinese name we found written on the box of a measuring device in Physiks lab last year. Ah. Old days. Searching through the posts, made me realise how I used to write almost everyday back then. Now, there are only about 4 or 5 posts per month. Haha. I like writing, I do. Maybe I just don't feel much and there's nothing much to write about these days. Well, I'm still spending my time, my abundant free time at home now. I go out sometimes with Ayopan, and I've been planning in my mind for going for movies and maybe having fun at the water park. I plan to go to Remy's place too, with some other friends I'll ask later. Hurm. No books in these rainy days, like last year? My sister got a new book and maybe, I'll read that later. Things I'm busy with now are getting online, watching TV, playing Red Alert, eating, sleeping, farting, suffering pain of the wound from the accident, and fucking.


Muharram the First

It saddens my konscience how this beginning of new year doesn't seem too important to me. I'm all about planning to enjoy the freedom, for which I'm bound to explode now. Everything gets mixed up; excitement for the post-exam period which I'll be in soon, loath and exhaustion I have to endure before reaching it, and hatred that is now fading, as I'll be leaving its source in just a kouple of days from now. And I know I should be excited to leave all this, but in the same time I feel like losing, the feeling I always feel every time I get to the end of something. I know, it's totally fucked up. But it'll be a new life; I'll no longer be a dog to the skool, though I'm still one to a bigger system out of the skool, nonetheless.
Let's just wait and have fun when all this ends soon.


Expekted, Unavoided

I've always been imagining my death in road accident. And every time I'm riding on the road, I keep thinking something bad would happen should I be less kareful, or should my death greet me.

We'd planned to go to Aiman's place, to study for our exam. So I went to Ayopan's place first, and from there, I kontinued going to Binjai with him. And halfway to there, he was already far ahead of me. That didn't matter, of kourse. I had my tinted eyeshield down way from the beginning. It limited my sight, but I was arrogant; "I kan see good enough, even from inside this eyeshield." And I kept my speed konstant, trying to katch Ayopan ahead. And there was an expo just beside the road and there were men monitoring the traffik with their flash light stick. I was startled at first as I thought they were police doing a roadblock. Realising they were men from the expo, I kept my speed, in the same time looking out karefully not to hit the kones they put in the middle of the road. And the next thing I knew, I was already on my side, falling hard on the road. I knew I'd hit someone. I got up quickly and people already gathered around me, asking if I was alright and helping with my motorcykle. I was lucky to have them, really. The ones in charge to keep the traffik. They gave me medicine and got me a plastik chair and tissue. One of them also tried to fix the little damage on the motorcykle, but I was lucky it still kould start and move. And after few friendly questions from them and other onlookers, I made my way home, with my eyeshield wide open. I only got my left ankle wounded, with the middle toe kracked, I think. And some skratches on my hands and that was all. Really, I don't kare what happened on me; I only feel sorry for my old engine. Ugh.
And Mom has made it klear to me that I should not ride at night again, not until I've done the exam. Lucky Emperor was quite easy with this.