7 Apokalypse Tanks

Haha. I read my old posts again. I was searching for a term, aktually. A funny Chinese name we found written on the box of a measuring device in Physiks lab last year. Ah. Old days. Searching through the posts, made me realise how I used to write almost everyday back then. Now, there are only about 4 or 5 posts per month. Haha. I like writing, I do. Maybe I just don't feel much and there's nothing much to write about these days. Well, I'm still spending my time, my abundant free time at home now. I go out sometimes with Ayopan, and I've been planning in my mind for going for movies and maybe having fun at the water park. I plan to go to Remy's place too, with some other friends I'll ask later. Hurm. No books in these rainy days, like last year? My sister got a new book and maybe, I'll read that later. Things I'm busy with now are getting online, watching TV, playing Red Alert, eating, sleeping, farting, suffering pain of the wound from the accident, and fucking.


  1. Wuuu, you've been playing RED ALERT? Hahaha. My favourite game though. Tuh lahh orang dahh kata takk suka bawak motor. Rsky than bawak kereta degil. Kan dahh accident. Padan muka! :D

  2. If I were to be afraid of all those risks, I wouldn't even step outta my safe home.

  3. But we could reduce the risk by taking the unrisky things.

  4. I'm not saying I'm an adventurous type of guy but taking the unrisky things sounds like a paranoid life.

    It's just riding on bike for God's sake. Not skydiving.

  5. But it ensures your life. Not being paranoid about. Make others less worries of you.

  6. No one is worried about me riding the SLOW SHAKY bike. If there are any, I'm pretty sure they don't have to worry much about it.


I want to know your answer.