Feel so good, even when I'm in the exam these days. Chemistry was killing, but I tried to take it easy and walk out with no injuries. Hope she wouldn't get angry with all that. But History was quite easy I could go through it without any pain. But ah, the papers didn't really matter to me. What does matter is, the letter from Yayasan Terengganu. But that, still doesn't bother much. I just want what I'll get from the letter, the money prize, for getting straight A's. Err.. heh. And an old mate, one of the two from the Cold December Days, called and we went out this evening. Of course, we cycled, just like always. Haha.. Few outing plans for this exam-end, and I wait for nothing else but the exam to end.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude with all the answers. I just didn't wanna leave the spaces blank."
- Chemistry, Chapter VII


  1. Ohh. Chemistry. Love them. Haha. Takk boleh jawab? Isyh2. Mwahaha. Its ok lahh. :) What is Yayasan Terenggan by the way?

  2. Mcm Jbtn Pendidikan Ngeri gak kot. urus2 bnde plajaran ngn biasiswa, rsenye. hadiah straight a itu ari, bru dpt arini. hehe..

  3. Haha.. duit tu bleh gak wat tmbang g BP, kan? =D

  4. Haha. Kami sedia menanti kehadiran anda. :D


I want to know your answer.