Gema para jemaah mengalunkan kalimah suci, mengaminkan doa imam kedengaran seperti guruh ditiup angin sejuk petang mendung.The tasteless piano.
23. The Angel
The trip yesterday was tiring. And good. Emperor's RM100 got burnt for a worthy pair of jeans and for the busses' and taxi's fees. Only RM100. Thrifty? Well, I didn't want to spend much, though. Yet I've enjoyed watching people and stuffs. Yea, it was good. And I'm currently on reading Twilight. Few chapters left and I'll be done.
Reloaded Cash
It's RM160. It's just RM160 they say. Not worthy. Good enough for me. Met friends there, of course, lots of them. But there's one. The last time I saw this one for real was ten years ago. Ha.. shit. I still remember the name and the face, not to mention I always think of it sometimes. A good pretty. Not mine, forget it.
Find that shit, find my seat.
Hybrid Theory
Fuck'd. Everything's been messed up. I don't know what ruined them. Nothing but shit loads. The plan going to the Mall, it happened, but not as I hoped it would be. I did go, but with the parents. Do I look like their little child? I don't know. But to be true, I gained something good in Dungun. A Hard Rock Cafe shirt. Nice one. And today, I should have been going to Kuantan, and yea, something has turned to shit and here I am, still in my little bubble. It's alrite. Just plan another, and get going, tired and hungry. It's Ramadhan's eve, I hope I'm all ready to go through it.
Keane - Somewhere Only We Know
Do we have that kind of place, gurl? Where only we know about it. I'm getting old and I need somewhere to spend my time with you.
True headbangers don't headbang;
they take it as their lullaby.
Keane - Somewhere Only We Know
Do we have that kind of place, gurl? Where only we know about it. I'm getting old and I need somewhere to spend my time with you.
Nothing but goodness. Exam ended quite well, and think I survived unscratched. Went to eat at KFC with those friends, it was cheerful and loud with them all teasing themselves. And I enjoyed the cheezy chickaroni for my tummy. It was all fun indeed. And now I'm looking forward for tomorrow, of course there's no more of school, we're going to the Mall. Can't wait. Hope the plan's on. Whatever.
"Sebarang kerumitan sila tanya cikgu di belakang."
- Fairuz, Physics' trouble.
Feel so good, even when I'm in the exam these days. Chemistry was killing, but I tried to take it easy and walk out with no injuries. Hope she wouldn't get angry with all that. But History was quite easy I could go through it without any pain. But ah, the papers didn't really matter to me. What does matter is, the letter from Yayasan Terengganu. But that, still doesn't bother much. I just want what I'll get from the letter, the money prize, for getting straight A's. Err.. heh. And an old mate, one of the two from the Cold December Days, called and we went out this evening. Of course, we cycled, just like always. Haha.. Few outing plans for this exam-end, and I wait for nothing else but the exam to end.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude with all the answers. I just didn't wanna leave the spaces blank."
- Chemistry, Chapter VII
The Sound Machine
And it's exam again. Sorrow days of life. Heh. Fuck'd. But that no longer bother me. There's exam or not, I'm just the same. I can't help being helpless. Can't be helped. Hey Monkey, don't get frustrated. This is our nature. Hell yea. But what I just read from the site next to mine, has made me think about what its writer and I will go through. Are going to get through. She's trying to focus in studying, that's good, but still she's somehow down with us not being able to communicate without me having phone. Hah. Sounds like trouble. Is it? Sorry but I ain't regretting anything but wanting to stay loud and close to you. Nei phai leh babuk yek. Remember that. What the hell does that mean, Monkey?
"He's been modernized; hunting for chances but still he's from us. He gets cursed to frozen, for believing there is a better world than just inside the village. Nonetheless, he's not what the elders think he is."
- a d i d a s s l e r
si tenggang's homecoming
"He's been modernized; hunting for chances but still he's from us. He gets cursed to frozen, for believing there is a better world than just inside the village. Nonetheless, he's not what the elders think he is."
- a d i d a s s l e r
si tenggang's homecoming
Mr. Lincoln's War
Don't worry. I'm alright, thanks all. Just done The Lawman Said "I Do" by Ana Leigh. It took me one day to finish it. That's not the matter, though. It was loaded with sensual, or better said sexual. Haha.. It would be pretty weird ashamed to know the sister read it too. How would she think when she read the sensual parts? It might be, Abang read this too, he must've gotten horny by it. I've always thought about that when I'm on some English novel. Ah, they don't bother much, they've never bothered actually. Yea, never mind. But the story has made me want to know better about American Civil War. Discovered some about the Confederacy, the Southern army, against the Union from the Northern states. Johnny Rebs versus Billy Yanks. Haha.. enough of that. And I'm gonna have my sleep in my bed, my own bed, this night. After many, many weeks it was abandoned. Heh.
It wasn't guns killed him; it was beauty.
What's your favourite
Anything goes with chocs, raw nuggets
Sprite, Iced Milo, ice-blended. Eh?
Shirt's brand
Jean's brand
Levis? Lee?
Watch's brand
Swatch, Bell&Ross. Hate wearing it anyway.
Accessories' brand
Err.. any bangle and ring would be fine.
Shoe's brand
Adidas and Converse-like, kot? Heh.
Bag's brand
Currently wearing from Adidas.
Place to hang out at school/work
Dalam koperasi, depan koperasi.
Place to hang out instead of school/work
Anywhere the ride takes me.
MySpace, yea, lame. This blog, Haslina's, Wikipedia. Heh.
V for Vendetta, Enemy at The Gate, Hollywoodland.
Dwayne Johnson, Adam Sandler, Robert Redford?
Anything from Coldplay and the Strokes
Novels. Err..
Um.. ah, yea.
Kreko, Utopia
TV channel
I don't watch TV. Haha.. TV3, 8TV, no Astro.
Ah, that one.
Prison Break, Heroes, Burn Notice, NCIS, and that XY guy. X-Files?
Reality TV
Beauty and The Geek. Haha... shit.
You can't live without
Heart? Internet. And Sunshine, part of.
Anything goes with chocs, raw nuggets
Sprite, Iced Milo, ice-blended. Eh?
Shirt's brand
Jean's brand
Levis? Lee?
Watch's brand
Swatch, Bell&Ross. Hate wearing it anyway.
Accessories' brand
Err.. any bangle and ring would be fine.
Shoe's brand
Adidas and Converse-like, kot? Heh.
Bag's brand
Currently wearing from Adidas.
Place to hang out at school/work
Dalam koperasi, depan koperasi.
Place to hang out instead of school/work
Anywhere the ride takes me.
MySpace, yea, lame. This blog, Haslina's, Wikipedia. Heh.
V for Vendetta, Enemy at The Gate, Hollywoodland.
Dwayne Johnson, Adam Sandler, Robert Redford?
Anything from Coldplay and the Strokes
Novels. Err..
Um.. ah, yea.
Kreko, Utopia
TV channel
I don't watch TV. Haha.. TV3, 8TV, no Astro.
Ah, that one.
Prison Break, Heroes, Burn Notice, NCIS, and that XY guy. X-Files?
Reality TV
Beauty and The Geek. Haha... shit.
You can't live without
Heart? Internet. And Sunshine, part of.
Meeting Point: Main Gate
Whow. I runescaped from school yesterday. There were lots of questions. 'How are we gonna do that?' 'How if we got caught?' 'Where do we go now?' and so. Along with 4 other 'inmates'. Haha.. But then we were left 3 of us, and walked to the town. Yea, like other typical school-escapers, we went to shopping complex and cyber cafe. It was truly shit you know, to see people around looking at you with different look on their faces, just because of you wearing green pants and black school shoes. Damn. But still I had fun with them. Heh. I did all that because I'd do anything not to be in school. Even if it might be little bit too risky. And today, is another non-school day for me. Having lala too much last dinner, made me suffer a sudden terrible tummy-ache along with headache. Perfect. I wouldn't have to go today for having it last night. Still it's doubtful to Mom. Sorry.
Paranoid of getting caught. Running and screaming.
Wallplug magazine II
Tired. Got up at 9 by a call from my uncle telling me to help him out on wiring. Again? Damn. It's my cousin's soon-to-be-house anyway. So, yea, that'd be just fine. But I didn't get enough sleep, yea, for I always get up at 12 and above when it comes to non-school days. Fucked. I got brainfreeze now, for taking iced drink, or not getting enough sleep? I don't know. I should be going back to working this evening, as what I was told, but hell I just wanna sleep and get rested here. Please.
You didn't pay yet. I'm not a worker. Want me working, talk nice.
Dark Day's Eve
Urm, had dinner just now. A family dinner. Heh. 7 of us around the table, it was good. Chatting, teasing Aifaa with her story, and laughing loudly. It's not always we got time for that with shift-working Dad and Aifaa, and yea, it is truly good to eat, better saying, to be together like just now. I was stupid to say I'm uneasy being among them. To be truth, sometimes something can be really fucking, while the other times, they're just a precious, lovely thing to keep. Damn, I know being sentimental weakens me.
We got the same blood running in us.
Beast of Mt. Briggs
Found out that exam has been postponed to 16th August. It was such a waste to be nervous so early. And those mates told me, the discipline teacher mentioned my name in weekly assembly yesterday. Probably while I was here, home, reading Kreko on bed. Haha.. It was about me loitering and drinking at the wrong time and place. It's not that I did it alone, there's another mate with me. Ah, whatever. I was heaven lucky not to go to school yesterday or it would have been fucking embarassing. Fewh.
"The greatest man ain't the one with answers;
it's the one with questions that can't be answered."
a d i d a s s l e r
-Chapter VI, Nutrition
Wallplug magazine
The heroic fireman. The interpreter lady. The muted girl in costume. The street artist. And some costumed bad guys. The jobless boxer. The cold cashier. The cancer sufferer. The husband. And the raincoated boy. And yea, a sad movie.
Got up at 7 and bathed. It was quite late and I suggested to mom for me not going to school. They just approved it. Heh. But still gotta help my uncle doing some wiring. It's not a new thing for me though. I help him setting up the ladder, taking things, drilling some holes, hah, it's kinda pathetic. Yea, mom forced me to do so. Whatever, as long as I don't have to be in school, I'd do anything. But I found out that being up in the ceiling is such a good thing to do when you're bored. It felt so nice up there. And too, he let me drive his car. Yea I know it sounds fucking lame but still it's my first damn time ever. Stupid cool.
Internal Security Act
A dirty instrument of the damn government to keep the Oppositioners down.
But yea, they fight against it and the Rulers get scared and use their fucking dogs, FRU to shut them up. I don't really know what harm the Oppositioners give to this nation. But why the hell am I so burning up to post this? Haha.. I might be caught and charged as well under accusation of spreading hatred against government among people. I don't know. Are we living in a fascist nation?
Got up at 7 and bathed. It was quite late and I suggested to mom for me not going to school. They just approved it. Heh. But still gotta help my uncle doing some wiring. It's not a new thing for me though. I help him setting up the ladder, taking things, drilling some holes, hah, it's kinda pathetic. Yea, mom forced me to do so. Whatever, as long as I don't have to be in school, I'd do anything. But I found out that being up in the ceiling is such a good thing to do when you're bored. It felt so nice up there. And too, he let me drive his car. Yea I know it sounds fucking lame but still it's my first damn time ever. Stupid cool.
"Bu, can I have that Bosch driller set, too?"
Internal Security Act
A dirty instrument of the damn government to keep the Oppositioners down.
But yea, they fight against it and the Rulers get scared and use their fucking dogs, FRU to shut them up. I don't really know what harm the Oppositioners give to this nation. But why the hell am I so burning up to post this? Haha.. I might be caught and charged as well under accusation of spreading hatred against government among people. I don't know. Are we living in a fascist nation?
Heroic, soon-to-be-dead idiot.
Saturday. A call from Ayoppan saved the weekend. Heh. Yea, it did. Wasting time at his dark place, getting stuffed with those craps, gaming, uh, that's all. It wasn't really a splendid but yea, enough to be satisfying. Undone Add Maths works, tomorrow is Sunday, exam on next week, yea, those heavenly shits do make me feel uneasy. Ah, to hell with them. And ouh. I'm totally fucked. After few weeks leaving my dark cave, a big fat rat, its flesh sucked out, found dead, flattened. What a nice thing to get. Damnit.
Together we run the cart on the roof top, jackass!
Deer Creek, Idaho.
Ha.. yea. This is the third trying and I finally managed to gather few stuffs to write. Uh. Just done a two-day reading on "Wish You Were Here" by Diane Lani Rich, yea, I think that's the writer's name. Who cares. Was a worth reading, but yea, anything is worth reading to me, I guess. And somehow, it made me lost track on things, too. About school, damn I still hate it, that's for sure but, uh, just when I think I've got enough reasons to hate it and to be scared of it, this adds one more. Exam. Three weeks, eh fuck, it's ONE week from NOW!? Goddamnit. How the hell am I going to catch up things in Physics, Chem - I mean, fuck. I'll be failing them all again. Shit. Knowing that all that craps are going to be tough for me, but still not trying to get things clear, that's me. Damnit. Hey, I'm enjoying weekend here, I'm fine, really. Thanks for asking. But not seeing her ain't making me good. Well, yea, am missing her. Heard she's sick. Hell sorry for not getting any chance to text you. Ever heard of sick sun? That's sun eclipse. You'll be fine.
The four-lettered shit.
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