We've played our part in Earth Hour. Mom seemed against this for the reason that she pays for the electricity used but she had to agree with us because Dad was so positive in this light-off campaign. And so we turned the lights off and enjoyed putting up candles and I hanged a beautiful lantern at the porch-front.
I'm not longer invisible. The teachers seem to notice my long hair. It's a mess they say. Haha.. I'd like to keep it longer.
Group 18
And I don't know why I think I'd focus to my study. Despite of the unpermitted absences, I suddenly had a lovely nonsense thinking that Chemistry is intresting. Maybe it's because I got 72% in last exam. Haha.. glad to have that. And I still have that fear being in the same house with the Emperor. He's still not talking to me. Nevermind, it's good to be ignored. Uh. Ouh yea, I found something that makes me more intrested in Chemistry.
Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium.
They are Alkali metals.
Find the symbols.
Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium.
They are Alkali metals.
Find the symbols.
Gretchen's still alive.
"Akukan saya? Buat apa gila. Membazir."Yesterday, I smiled when teacher gave me the paper. I even couldn't help feeling funny about this. I was barely hiding my laugh. Back home, it wasn't like what it was before. I didn't talk much then. It was because father was upset with me for getting an F for Add Math. Whose father wouldn't get angry with that? Uh. I had my silent theraphy for the whole day. For the grade, I blame the lazyness so I wouldn't feel like a totally bastard. As for the fact, I think people's looking down to me, and there's a big gap between me and them. And nothing could make me feel just okay than thinking that there's someone who still doesn't hate me much for what I got. It's you, Lina. I need you.
Now, being on the Internet is a thief job.
I'm a slave of fear.
He's the Emperor.
I can't see the sunshine,
I'll be waiting for you Lady,
'Cause I'm through.
Sit me down,
Shut me up,
I'll come now,
And I'll get along with you.
It ain't any packed lunch.
Back to hell. With lots of undone works, no, ALL, I don't know what the teachers would do to me if they found out about this. Pray that they wouldn't. Good thing, no teachers noticed my long hair and those GREEN shoe laces. It's been for weeks and I'm invisible. Mrs. Fazilla's still demanding my explaination letter, and I'm gonna write one.
I've uploaded my photos to MySpace (for the first time ever) so Lina can see the real look of me. And for others, that's what they've been asking me for. Those photos aren't really for them, but it's especially for you, Lina.
*I'm not that good-looking, aite?
I've uploaded my photos to MySpace (for the first time ever) so Lina can see the real look of me. And for others, that's what they've been asking me for. Those photos aren't really for them, but it's especially for you, Lina.
*I'm not that good-looking, aite?
A Walk After Midnite
Ahh.. sleepless. Went to bed at half-past midnight and got up at 0200. I've had enough sleep and the night is still too long. Got into Meebo till 0600 (current moment) and I think I'm going to bed again. Tired and bored. And yea, sleepy. Lina, how did you sleep?
And there you go. No one's home but me. Ibu, Abah, and Ima off to KL the day before. The sisters went to Kuantan this morning. And I'm left alone, with no humanity left in this house. Err.. It's gonna be a quiet day with just me and this black box.
And there you go. No one's home but me. Ibu, Abah, and Ima off to KL the day before. The sisters went to Kuantan this morning. And I'm left alone, with no humanity left in this house. Err.. It's gonna be a quiet day with just me and this black box.
A Yes.
And yea, I've got the answer. I didn't expect I'd get it by tonight. Well, thanks for the answer, Lina. You've made it as clear as I wanted. I don't know what would happen after this but I hope it'll be better, and more intresting than ever. We don't have anything more to hide from each other. Thanks for the crazy inner instinct to have such a wonderful idea of asking you the question. And there'll be someone who's gonna close his eyes, having the funniest emotion ever on his face; a smile, dreaming about kicking the white-horsed prince hell way outta the field. And, okay, enough for now. *Yawning
Earth Hour
Okay. I got no idea what would happen after this one entry.
I won't understand anything, and I don't want to. No more of those hard-to-get words, poetry, lyrics, or whatever that could bring this thing to another level of misunderstanding. It may sound silly, or simply disgusting, or just right at the time. I've wanted it to be straight and so it'll be.
Lina, a brained lass, a not-like-others girl, a good friend, a writer that I wanna read all her writings. I adore you. I want you to be happy. I want to comfort you with my companion. I want us to be like others.
Simply yes or no. I wouldn't mind if the answer is no. The only damn thing I'm asking is an answer, a final word from you. And yea, I don't wanna force you. Take time, as long as you want, okay, maybe not so long, but be sure it's enough for you to know what do you feel toward this guy, a guy that has been hiding behind the tree, haha.. Ouh, I laughed.
I won't understand anything, and I don't want to. No more of those hard-to-get words, poetry, lyrics, or whatever that could bring this thing to another level of misunderstanding. It may sound silly, or simply disgusting, or just right at the time. I've wanted it to be straight and so it'll be.
Lina, a brained lass, a not-like-others girl, a good friend, a writer that I wanna read all her writings. I adore you. I want you to be happy. I want to comfort you with my companion. I want us to be like others.
Would you like to be my girl?
Simply yes or no. I wouldn't mind if the answer is no. The only damn thing I'm asking is an answer, a final word from you. And yea, I don't wanna force you. Take time, as long as you want, okay, maybe not so long, but be sure it's enough for you to know what do you feel toward this guy, a guy that has been hiding behind the tree, haha.. Ouh, I laughed.
Under the Dark Sky
I found out that school is actually a boring place. The new car turned out to have an inner damage. And I'm just alone at the field. Ouh, that's great. Yea, I don't have to understand anything. I don't have to make up for something. I am what I was. There's nothing has changed. There's no 'us'. Never was. Weyh, there's not even a castle in the clouds. I should've known that before. I'll just walk down the street, watching people, saying hye to everyone, hiding the misery beneath my skin. Or just laying on the grassfield, trying to lift the stone, away from my chest, alone and peacefully.
Still, I want my grassfield.
"And the white-horsed prince shall come to his knees at your feet,
But I am no him."
Verse 6 & 7, Into the Summerfield, February's End.
Still, I want my grassfield.
Beside the Cafeteria
It's like being in the school for the first time. It's like buying a new car for the second time. It's like going to the summer grassfield with her. It's a new start, for us, maybe, since she has already told me what she feels for now. And I feel like getting back what I've lost a few weeks ago. Are you saying YES, my Juliet? Can we let out the secret, making it as straight as we wanted before?
I'm in joy.
Are you, Lina?
I'm in joy.
Are you, Lina?
Parents-Teachers Night

It's raining outside.
Cursed. Cursed by Morpheus. It's been 6 years since the last time I laid my eyes on her. She was so lovely then, and still is, I guess. And this morning, I dreamt I met her in her red dress. Oh, I got no idea why was that so. And for the rest of the morning, she kept being in my mind. Are you coming, Liyana? I don't even know why it has been like this lately, dreaming and thinking deeply about someones that I'd never meet. It's probably caused by over-sleeping due to school break. Ugh.. cursed.
Ill-met by Moonlight
Somehow, I think I wanted you to know this.
Reading her offline messages, telling me that she's missing me and asking if I'm so, makes me wonder about my feelings to her. Do I miss her? I don't know. Do you? I remember you mentioned that you felt uncomfortable after we told the truth to each other. And now? Uh.. honestly, I don't know what I feel, Qilla. But you do make me feel something. I heard that you've been sick lately, and I feel terribly sorry for that.
Reading her offline messages, telling me that she's missing me and asking if I'm so, makes me wonder about my feelings to her. Do I miss her? I don't know. Do you? I remember you mentioned that you felt uncomfortable after we told the truth to each other. And now? Uh.. honestly, I don't know what I feel, Qilla. But you do make me feel something. I heard that you've been sick lately, and I feel terribly sorry for that.
February's End, it still haunts me.
A magnet to play.
I wrote an article to a tabloid newspaper explaining about my complicated times with her and I got a call from her angry father telling me how sad his daughter was and I could hear her crying. She had misunderstood my article and she might think I hated her.Okay, that was a dream. It happened this morning, and it made me woke up thinking about her. Ahh.. somehow, you still haunt me, Lina.
And oh, Epa's back home again, after 2 weeks at hometown taking care for Granny. Ena got half of her life back now. Haha...
Neighbour's Backyard
I'm not going to school today. And for another 9 days ahead. It's a start for mid-term break. Thanks. But with a plenty of homework to do, ah, I'm not going to do that anyway. Nevermind. Uhurgh.. feel so sick. Flu. Maybe a bath would do. I'm in my outrageous stupid sensation condition, still. And oh, I dreamt of Add Maths paper this morning and it awakened me. Was that a sign?
A Purple Textbook in the Toilet

"Atom is a sphere of positive charge which contains a few negatively-charged particles called electrons."
-J.J Thomson
"Om-mega, papa pia, mama gurl, sockee board."
Mrs. Fazila still remember my unpermitted absences in her classes. She asked me to write a formal letter to her if I wish to continue my Chemistry class. "Kalau saya tak buat?" One good thing. Exam's over. No more of those brain-squeezing questions. Feel like just escaped from an invisible cage. Nice.
Various methods in PUNISHING STUDENTS
A lovely nonsense I'm in.
Stupid sensation I write.
A peaceful situation I want.
Do they give any meaning to you?
For me, they do.
Today's killer : PHYSICS
Scars. Stretch marks. Uneven skin tone.
"Kelas Memandu? Saya ingat ini Kelas Sepanyol."
-Patrick Starfish
Maulidur Rasul. Prophet Muhammad was born on this day many years ago. A meaningful day for us Muslims. But I haven't done anything regarding this day. Uh. Sleep and sleep and sleep. How I feel sinful.
A Refridgerator Full of Chocolate
"Wah! Sungguh berselera tetamu makan sehinggakan
kamera datang pun tidak dipedulikannya~~"
-The Narrator
Extended Math. It was hard. Hard questions. Hard for me. I wasn't prepared. Shame of me. That's normal. I'm sick of this. Stop it.
I'm not like what you think.
I'm even worse.
f(x)= answer.
Summerfield, I shall come.
Had not I given the soft and sweet voice over you,
We would not have be like this,
For it has changed the sweetness of our times,
Into a spider web full of flies of misunderstandings.
You are destined to be flooded with sea of roses,
And the white-horsed prince shall come to his knees at your feet,
But I am no him.
I was born to be a secret lover,
A lonely poet,
Behind the tree full of carving of the past.
-Adi Dassler, February's Ending
Bios Logos.

A Wednesday
Whew.. Today is public holiday for Terengganu for Sultan's gonna blow his candles, erk, whatever. A non-school day, a HOLY-day for me. Haha.. and tomorrow we'll sit for our first upper-secondary exam. Whew.. sounds creepy for those unprepared warriors like me. Uh. Revising? Sounds so not-me. I'll just read a few this and that then no more. :D Dad gave me a watch last night. Whew.. never heard the brand before but bet it must be a good one. He got that from a friend of his which he got it from Lelong.com. Fhew.. nice. i know I shouldn't have made this such a big thing, but I can't help it. :D
+Limited Edition :D
+Aviation Type/Military Spec
+Stainless Steel
+Automatic Movement
+Water Resistant : 100m / 325 ft
+Limited Edition :D
+Aviation Type/Military Spec
+Stainless Steel
+Automatic Movement
+Water Resistant : 100m / 325 ft
It's already March now. Second March. I recall one of my thoughtful campaigns, MARISSA (Marchen Awaken Romance IS Striking the Asylum). Ha. It should be 'End of February' instead of 'Marchen'. It was really striking, driving me crazy, or at least, a little bit confused to death. But I'm glad it's all over now. Wuhuu.. whatever it was, it was hard for me. Let just forget it. Nice.
Ha. Naqib told me Mrs. Fazila (Fadzilla) the chemistry teacher, has found out about our class dropping, or what i refer to as 'unpermitted absence'. He was scared to death that she was telling us to the PK HEM. Whew.. and today, we got no meeting or punishment for it. Glad. And i just don't know how to undergo a full week without dropping any class. Ha.. dude, worrying too much kills freedom.
Ha. Naqib told me Mrs. Fazila (Fadzilla) the chemistry teacher, has found out about our class dropping, or what i refer to as 'unpermitted absence'. He was scared to death that she was telling us to the PK HEM. Whew.. and today, we got no meeting or punishment for it. Glad. And i just don't know how to undergo a full week without dropping any class. Ha.. dude, worrying too much kills freedom.
Angle in Marble
I'm currently on Angle in Marble, a story from Elaine Coffman. Enjoy myself reading it. Ha.
Tibbie Buchanan was a heavenly beauty, yet some still whispered about her sins. Her glorious honey-colored hair wouldn't stay hidden under her bonnet. Her drab dresses couldn't hide her alluring curves. Once she'd loved a man who'd ruined her. Now a gifted healer and herbalist, an angel to the sick, she swore she'd never surrender to passion again.
Life on the frontier had taught Nick Mackinnon some hard lessons. Orphaned young, he'd left Texas to learn a shipbuilder's trade. Richer, lonelier, he came back to realize his dream-a seagoing dynasty. And now Tibbie was part of that dream. But Tibbie had loved before, had known the sting of betrayal, the burden of shame. She would flee from love and the man who ached to free her, the man who saw her imprisoned in the past, an exquisite.
"[Elaine Coffman] is destined to become a star!" -Romantic Times
Tibbie Buchanan was a heavenly beauty, yet some still whispered about her sins. Her glorious honey-colored hair wouldn't stay hidden under her bonnet. Her drab dresses couldn't hide her alluring curves. Once she'd loved a man who'd ruined her. Now a gifted healer and herbalist, an angel to the sick, she swore she'd never surrender to passion again.
Life on the frontier had taught Nick Mackinnon some hard lessons. Orphaned young, he'd left Texas to learn a shipbuilder's trade. Richer, lonelier, he came back to realize his dream-a seagoing dynasty. And now Tibbie was part of that dream. But Tibbie had loved before, had known the sting of betrayal, the burden of shame. She would flee from love and the man who ached to free her, the man who saw her imprisoned in the past, an exquisite.
"[Elaine Coffman] is destined to become a star!" -Romantic Times
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