Be My Guest

I guessed my first guess bekause you said bye earlier and, to me, it sounded like you were offended when I told you to have a nice life. Not that I know why you should be, though.
A desperate girl? No, I wouldn't say so but I wonder, are you indikating that you are a stalker, by saying that?
And no, love kannot be kounted. Nor kan it be valued. Even if it kould, I would never know how to.
And llove? Kekeke. You sure know how to joke, Guest. At least, I find it funny.

p/s : My definition of "love interest" before is not quite right. Just this moment, I've decided that I prefer the one from Urban Diktionary.
The person in whom one spends a disproportionate amount of time thinking about. The L word is kontextual only.
So, akkording to that definition, my love interests are not only those whom I've developed a relationship with, but any person in whom I've spent more time thinking about than anything else. So, I would now have had more than just two love interests; the two with whom I've developed a relationship with - not simultaneously, of kourse. But they're all of the past, though I'm not going to forget them - it's about the my-mind-is-not-a-komputer-disk again. Kan't just erase the data, you know. And I've let out all this rubbish just bekause to make things klear, I guess.
I guess.


  1. Gua ter-perasan. Tak ada pun sebenarnya.

    It's bitches who think people would stalk them. Aktually, the stalkers are just regular visitors. I'm bitch, I know.

  2. Roses are brown,
    Violets are brown,
    Who the fuck shitted in my garden!

  3. Guap unc urid ariY outubet u.K ehk ehk eh.

  4. Okeh. Gua mohon nak guna stail menaip tu pulak.


I want to know your answer.