Holy Fortnight Ends Here.
A fortnight has ended. And supposedly, I have started the sekond semester yesterday, but I haven't. I didn't go to school yesterday, and today. Pa and Ma have gone to Perlis last Saturday, and should be back tomorrow. That's aktually the reason why I got leave days for myself so easily. They know about this, though. But I suppose they wouldn't mind; there have been nothing important in school, so I was told. And I was told too about the teacher that enlisted my name and another friend of mine for a school's publik speaking kompetition that will be held on this Wednesday, in konjunktion with that KOKO week. But if I don't show up this Wednesday, the other friend would be the one who got to participate, representing our klass. Heh. There's no way I'd show up that day. Let just that friend get involved; I'm such a chicken. Haha. And I was told too that I, somehow, managed to get 4 A's, for the Dark May Days we sat right before the Holy Fortnight. The truth is, it's a disappointment to my Rage Against Ekspektations as its main objektive was to show my hatred for being ekspekted to get good results, by letting myself get killed by Extreme Ambition Murderer; getting bad result. But I kan't say I'm not grateful, however, as the result is konsidered quite good to others, though I was unprepared, just like what I've been all this while.
Confœderatio Helvetica
And I finally let it out to her. About how I'd been feeling when we were together. Yeah, I felt like I was chained, tied to something. By an invisible bond that people kall love. I, to be true, hate feeling like that. It's not love that I hate; it's the tie. And today I decided, after thinking through it, to dissolve it; the chain of which I'd been tied with. It had been holding me from being honest to myself and people around me. I'm sorry I've broken those promises but this is the best way I think, to free myself from the tie that made me lie. I just hope that we'd still be good friends 'kause I'd enjoyed those moments; talking to her at late night and sharing things of our days. Kansht. And I never regret asking the Question to her. It'd given me an experience.
Mavi Marmara
Things I do in this holyday.
- Attending weddings. Have had enough of that.
- Staying up late until around 3 in the morning.
- Getting up late, of kourse, at around 2 in the afternoon.
- Once per day bath. No need to waste water supply.
- Going out with friends. Which I'm planning to do.
- Suffering from painful lip blisters and wounded throat or gum. I'm not sure. Appetite not affekted.
- Writing essay. Of which aktually I haven't started yet.
- Relaxing.
The Guy Who Wears Black
I'd gone to Dungun last Saturday for a wedding of Emperor's kousin which was aktually to be held on Sunday. We'd first gone to Kuala Terengganu that Saturday for another wedding of the daughter of Emperor's kousin. It sounds konfusing but that's okay. I understand. And I went to the 'ocean city' again that evening after getting back from KT. It was like the usual; like the last time I'd been there. So many people along the beach and it was happening. I stopped at some rocky place and sat there on the flat rock burying my feet in the sand. I always do that whenever I'm at beach. Bored doing just that, I got kloser to the water and played with the sand. Alone. And I also kollekted seashells and brought them back home. I'd searched for the ones with hole so I kan put a string through them- yeah, I'd like to make a bracelet out of them. Haha. Maybe I'm going to wear it too.
And at the wedding the next day, I've got to help them with things; getting the dirty plates and glasses to the washing place and so I moved a lot from here to there over and over again. And there were some of those relatives noticing me and teasing about the snowkap I've always had on my head. They teased me about the 'lost shawl' and even kalled me a terrorist. Hah. Is it so weird to wear snowkap? Perhaps snowkap isn't kommon enough to them.
And at the wedding the next day, I've got to help them with things; getting the dirty plates and glasses to the washing place and so I moved a lot from here to there over and over again. And there were some of those relatives noticing me and teasing about the snowkap I've always had on my head. They teased me about the 'lost shawl' and even kalled me a terrorist. Hah. Is it so weird to wear snowkap? Perhaps snowkap isn't kommon enough to them.
Finally. The battle has ended. Quite well. And freedom is finally mine. It's been driving me krazy to think of this would eventually end. It's such a pure goodness; to be away from those mind-torturing papers, murderers. And there's nothing better than this koming holyday. Heh. But shit. I just got an assignment today. An essay of 2000 words for a kompetition and the teacher asked me to write for it. The holyday hasn't even started yet but I'm already seeing it's burning. Ugh. This is what I get for getting A in last two exams. An 'opportunity' to waste my rest days just like that. She just doesn't know that I hate writing to get marked like the ones in tests or writing to kompete, just like she asked me to. And I'll just follow; like a dog does.
And it's been 11.37 for about 3 days now in this house. Time just stopped and we're klueless as what time it is; only to know it by what we're watching on telly.
And it's been 11.37 for about 3 days now in this house. Time just stopped and we're klueless as what time it is; only to know it by what we're watching on telly.
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