The Upside-down Strawberries.

Saturday, 3rd October
For the Parents
Bashir Caesahar came to my place to discuss something about AddMath. We too discussed the points to be used in debate, though I wasn't his teammate. Then we off to MohdCopieserv to copy few pages from AddMath exercise book as what pregnant Yusliza had told us to. Then Caesahar and I went to his place to work for the debate points, again. It was raining at about 10, and when the rain had finally stopped, I got home, sent by him.
The Ugly Truth
I texted Momos early that night, telling him not to come to fetch me to town, as the Emperor and Empress had nagged to me for outing too much. A little scold it was, for I'd gone out from 11 a.m., up till near 7 p.m. early in that day. Then Caesahar came, and I pretended to be studying with him. For about 15 torturing minutes later, I told that good fellow to send me to Momos. Then Momos, Puyette and I off to town to check out on the PC fair. I did go to the stationery shop for the AddMath copy things. Off to Bistro at about 9-thirty. And the rain poured. The phone rang for about 2 or 3 times, sure from the Emperor. The rain stopped, we started getting home. Sent Poc Henge's MP3 that he told us to buy for him and Momos sent me back home inconspicously, not to let the waiting Emperor know that it wasn't Caesahar, who had probably fallen fast asleep back in his home, that was with me that night. Emperor didn't scold me, thankfully. He just said few things and I was safe in my bed. Fewh. I hate long story but I prefer details.


I want to know your answer.