Converse n' checkerboard.

It was like a chance to get out of this perfect boredom of being at home for holiday. Going to Kuantan with a friend, along with his family, didn't do much fun either. I guess. We had fun teasing each other in car and it was quite amusing. I didn't buy anything at all at the malls and I didn't feel like it. And I got to know something about his sister, and that made me shut-silent on the way back home. It was so annoying. Judgement at the first thought. Discrimination. I don't know.
"I'm scared of people with pimples."
"He didn't wanna reload my credit, he just wanted to treat me. He's thrifty."
"I don't wanna seduce you, I'm not into a guy with my brother's age."

Fuck off, I said.

1 comment:

I want to know your answer.