
How do you perceive TIME? Time, as I see it, is nothing. It's not real but merely an illusion, a kreation of human. Kreated as a measurement, to measure the length of a period and to mark moments. Time also changes, but time itself never changes. But time doesn't really change things aktually; things change by themselves, assisted by faktors around them. Time is just a measurement. But time, time itself, never changes. It is as it has been since humanity kreated it, probably thousands of years ago. It's been perceived as something that moves unstoppably, not too fast, and neither too slow. And whether it moves or not, or exists or not, moments where its time is stopped, they never exist. It's only generated by human's artful imagination. And time travelling, as alluring as it sounds, kan never be possible, unless things, not time, kan go back to their previous states or konditions. And if it's possible to re-simulate past moments, that is the klosest thing to time travelling that kan ever be done.

How do you think of time? Feel free to share.

p/s: Oh yeah, if you've seen the new film Source Code, you'd probably understand what I mean in my note "A Dystopia" as the film has pretty much the similar idea to what I imagine this life is. Only the life in the film is of real persons and real histories, and in komputer program.


M'aidez! M'aidez!

I still remember how excited I was as a kid when brought to the town playground, the one that I just went this evening. It's not that far from home, about 3 kilometres, I guess. But as a kid, it was diffikult to go anywhere. To get to play the tunnel slide, the spring horses, the swings- it was real fun. A playground is just a heaven for kids. I saw how kids were playing happily and karefree, without having to think or decide anything. We were once like them. And as we grow older, we face problems and have to decide and akt for future. Maybe it's just ordinary teenagers' problem but at times like this, leaving skool for kollege or university, every decision is utterly important. Not only in deciding, the hardness and bitterness are also felt when we're leaving and changing our lifestyle. No more homely things, that is. But whether we like it or not, we know for sure it's a must and no matter how it sucks, we're going to live it.

I deaktivated my Fesbuk akkount before leaving for my Granny's place last Tuesday as I planned to hibernate for a while while I'm not home. It's silly to tell but it sucked to be empty. And yesterday as I reaktivated it and logged in, I felt so hollow. I don't really know why. Perhaps it was still about the emptiness. The void I left and re-entered. The nothingness. Shit.
Admit it you shit. You hate how everything and everyone is centred about that social networking site yet you still feel the reluktance to leave it. You get in it every day yet you despise others who  do the same. You're one big motherfucking hypokrite you shit. That's why I'm here- to negate you.


Krank (Kapt'N K Mix)

Peh. Jadi bila dah hari-hari duduk terperap di rumah, aku terima tawaran mak saudara aku kat kampung untuk tolong mengecat rumah nenek aku. Dan pulanglah aku petang hari Selasa lepas ke Dungun (je) dihantar oleh mak dan bapak aku. Tak selesa sangat la sebab dapur pun tengah dibaikpulih dan bilik depan tu pun tengah dicat. Jadi hari Rabu keesokannya aku pun mulalah tolong sepupu bapak aku yang lebih kurang sebaya tu cat bilik. Ada la dalam beberapa bahagian kecil yang aku cat. Tu pun dah berpanas berpeluh macam orang kena soal di bapak mertua di tengah gurun. Petang tu mak aku ada telefon kata yang nama aku ada keluar untuk temuduga asasi TESL yang aku mohon secara terpaksa dalam UPU hari tu. Memandangkan temuduga tu Ahad ni, jadi terpaksalah aku balik semula ke Kemaman hari Rabu tu jugak sebab nak ke sekolah untuk minta pengesahan sijil dari pihak sekolah. Peh. Membazir tenaga sungguh pergi balik pergi balik. Duduk kat kampung tak sampainya dua hari pun. Jadi pagi tadi lepas fotostet semua yang diperlukan, walaupun bapak aku kalut dan marah-marah juga sebelum dapat jumpa surat beranak aku yang hilang, aku pun pergi la rumah kawan aku Muaz Kekasih Taylor Swift untuk ambil dia temankan aku ke sekolah. Dan lepas sudah semua tu, aku ajak Muaz ni makan nasi beriyani kat kedai tempat kerja kawan aku seorang lagi, Afik J-Pop Klon Ayahnya KK. Sebelum tu ingat nak ke Seri Bandi ke rumah Remy Gamer Hardkore Peminat Chelsea, telefon dia dia pulak kata tak ada kat rumah, balik kampung. Jadi lepas kenyang, aku dengan Muaz terus ke rumah Faiz Hakimi Obsesi Lamborghini. Dia nak ke bandar baiki jam Lamborghini dia yang tercabut tali. Lepas sudah tu, lepas tawaf Yellow Town, kami pun balik.
Petang tadi Irfan Pak Arab Moden ajak aku ke pasar malam. Terjumpa kawan-kawan, lepak kat taman permainan, buat sa'ie sepanjang gerai-gerai, makan aiskrim potong. Rutin biasa la tu kiranya kalau ke pasar malam dengan dia ni.
Dalam 4 hari ni je la aku boleh jumpa kawan-kawan pun. Lepas temuduga Ahad ni, temuduga yang aku yakin tak akan menjadi temuduga bila aku dah senyap tak keluar sepatah haram cakap mat salih, aku kena balik kampung semula, sambung kerja mengecat. Lepas tu PLKN celaka jahanam tu pulak, pertengahan bulan Mei nanti. Serabut, serabut.


A Dystopia

Have you ever wondered that life that we think we're living is not real? What if it's just an illusion? Maybe we're not moving at all. Imagine that we're aktually just lying unkonsciously on a bed like one in the hospital, surrounded by machines that feed us with drug to keep us dreaming of this imaginary life and not waking up. But of kourse, the place we might aktually be lying isn't really a hospital, but a big hangar full of komatose humans, probably naked, just like us. This awake state we think we're in, is like The Matrix. The drug we're fed with makes our konscious mind feel like it is a real world. We kan touch, feel, sense, smell, and see things but it's only in our mind; we're not aktually experiencing it. Histories of us and people around us are merely made up. The feelings we have for them are artificial, an effekt of the drug. In fakt, the people around us in this imaginary life aren't real, and never do they exist. You, whoever who read this, probably aren't real too.
Just wait until someone appears in this dream and offers you a pill which when eaten, will revive you from this dream, only to wake up alone among other unkonscious humans and beeping machines. And the real world that awaits outside is one that is destroyed.

p/s: I really want to know what you have to say about this. And if you've ever wondered something extraordinary about your life or this world, please feel free to share with me. Thanks in advance for those who're willing to share opinions or any responses.


Kisah Cinta Uda & Dara

Betina : Saya comel tak?
Jantan : Tak sangat.
Betina : Awak cintakan saya tak?
Jantan : Entah.
Betina : Awak nak hidup bersama saya tak?
Jantan : Tengok la dulu.
Betina : Awak akan menangis tak kalau saya tinggalkan awak?
Jantan : Buat apa?

Dan betina itu mula menangis teresak-esak siap sekali dengan hingus. Lalu si jantan menarik betina itu rapat ke arahnya sambil betina itu menangis di dadanya. Si jantan mengeluarkan sepucuk pistol revolver dari kocek seluar jeansnya dan terus menembak si betina tepat di atas dahi. Si jantan hidup bahagia selama-lamanya.

p/s: Kisah ini pada asalnya ditulis sebagai parodi kepada status-status jiwang yang kerap kali dipos oleh Fesbukers sekalian namun oleh kerana ia ditulis dalam tulisan penuh dan tanpa singkatan, ia membuatkan kepanjangannya melebihi 420 karakter, lalu ia disunting menjadi nota. Sekian harap terasa.