Breast Kancer Cell

So Nisa told me she's sick. Monthly fever. I told her I fear the possibility of it having something to do with her laboratory work as she's doing a research on breast kancer cell. Well, I hope that's not it, though I kan't help from being worried about that. I hope everything's going to be just fine.

Nisa; a new variable in sound extrakting experiments.

And yeah, I'm home for Raya. It feels good, though it kind of annoys me to see people are so happy about it. Fucked up, huh. Psyko?


  1. Cerita la perkembangan terbaru lu orang sekarang. Dah semakin maju nampaknya ye.

  2. Dah nak dekat sebulan bang... *tersipu-sipu


I want to know your answer.