Intellektual-like Guy

Emperor had told me to go for an eye test to make glasses for me when I kouldn't really see the traffik lights when I was driving back from Dungun with him some days ago. Kouldn't really see the lights, that's skary, I think. Haha. So I thought of repairing his old DKNY frame for my new glasses. He wore that back when he was still unmarried with Mom. Haha. Vintage, I told them. But he insisted me on buying a new one so that's fine. And this morning we went to the bank to bank in my prize money cheque and make an ATM kard, before going to the eyewear store and make a pair of glasses for me. I looked for one that looks like my old man's DKNY, but instead I found a wayfarer frame. And I like wayfarer so I picked it. And now I'm already wearing that. They think it makes me look old, but I think, I'M A CLARK KENT. Haha.


Akross The Universe

Shitty- that's what I really feel about myself right now. I'm just spending my time on Internet, television, eating, going out once a while, sleeping- oh God. It kan't be more useless than this. On Fesbuk, people talk about their jobs, hobbies- something that they're doing to okkupy themselves and get money. But me? Haha. Damn. I really kontribute nothing but wastes.
One of the reasons I know why I never try to find a job is that I don't know how to interakt with people. That's the main problem of being an introvert. I always blame that, bekause it's true.


An Unhonourable Truth

It was a great hangout. We went to Mesra Mall and watched Gulliver's Travel, apart from having fun striking pins in bowling. Window shopping was of kourse also an aktivity. I'd been searching for jacket aktually. A khaki jacket. But I didn't find it there, instead I just decided to just buy it at an outlet in The Store. Yeah, I went out again tonight, alone, to purchase it. I'd had a look on all the outlets here in Cukai earlier, and the one where I bought the jacket is the only one available of what I wanted. It's a khaki jacket, for a price of RM79.90. I really saved my money, haha, 'kause I used the money Mom gave me this morning for the hangout. Shit. I really sound like a fucking spoiled brat.


Pizza Hut Delivery

I've passed the test today with the marks for Part III just enough to not fail. I was relieved to see the marks when I got out of the kar though the tester, a female, sounded pretty strikt when we were at the town's traffik light, asking me about where I put my signal lights. "In your pocket?" she asked. No, it was in YOUR pocket.


Driven III

I've been attending the driving lessons for this kouple of weeks and though I feel like I've learnt so many times but I still haven't perfekted the kourse. The test is on this Wednesday and I still doubt if I kould pass it.

Russian Block

And I also have a new addiktion now, I think. It's Tetris. Or Russia Block, akkording to my phone. I play it everyday now; while waiting for my turn to drive, before I sleep, and now in Fesbuk too. It's even played in battle mode in that applikation. Ah, time changes everything. But now that I play it frequently, the images of those koloured blocks, or also known by the name tetrominoes, are always in my mind. I guess after this I'll start seeing things in block forms. And tendency to arrange things in neat arrangement will possibly inkrease too.
You, get in line so I kan make you disappear, NOW!