Hidden Meanings

Driven by my kurious thought on what I use to refer myself might mean, I made some searchings on 'Kal' and I found something really disturbing. It aktually got something to do with Superman's hidden Anti Krist ideology; the name Kal-el, from which my 'Kal' was originally inspired. There are a lot more meanings related to it and they are quite komplikated to be mentioned here. So I'm konsidering whether or not I should change my pseudo name. I love names; anything, just anything that sounds good, kan inspire me to adopt it. And in this kase, I hate the fakt that I've taken that 'Kal' from Superman's given name, but I'm also thinking about to just stick to it. As much as it's disturbing to me, I resolve that I, knowing that this kould be wrong and misleading me, will just konsider it as a name, and name only. A shortened form of 'Khair'.

During this disturbance, I was thinking about a new alternative name, before anything else that soon would kome to my mind; Khalil. It sounds nice and brings the meaning of 'friend' in Arabik. And I then remembered about another name, the feminine kounterpart of Khalil; Khalilah. Aktually, I was thinking about the person who owns that name. Hmm. How is she now, I wonder.

#53 No. No number. It would be irrelevant as I know I wouldn't write every day. Resolved. No numbers in experimental entries.

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