They've always told me the superstition not to whistle in the house to avoid from getting snake inside, as I always whistle. But of kourse, I never wanted to believe that. But yesterday afternoon, all of a sudden, our eldest sister skreamed in her room. We rushed to see what had happened, and she showed us a snake, hanging from a hook where they hang their accessories, just beside the glued-to-the-wall square mirrors. Well, I was the last person to see it, due to my poor sight. We tried everything we kould think of (aktually, we didn't really do anything at all), and we decided to get our neighbour's son. Damn. That just made me feel helpless. And sissy. He's not much older than me, but he simply picked the little snake's head and put it in the plastik bag.
I later brought the bag to the big drain and let it free.
And no, all this got nothing to do with me whistling all the time.